Category: Adoption

  • How Not To Get Punched By Families Who’ve Adopted

    How Not To Get Punched By Families Who’ve Adopted

    Song of the month: Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift November is Happy Adoption Month! November is also Happy Premie Month! This month I’d like to celebrate our Little Eden Hope Alexia Jones, who we Adopted at 1 lb 2 oz July 2013. In honor of Our Super Girl Eden, I’d like to share a…

  • Time to Quit?

    Time to Quit?

    Song of the month: Gone,Gone,Gone -by Philip Phillips So when is it time to quit anyway? Here we are again. In the ER room with my Beautiful Micro Premie Eden Hope. “Eden,” I repeat to the nurse who keeps saying the wrong name, “as in The Garden of…” She’s my perfect little flower.  It’s times…