Category: Church Planting is for Girls

  • My Journey into A Missional Life

    There can be no mission outside of us, if there is no mission happening within us. 

  • Everything I Needed To Know About Church Planting, I Learned In Underoos.

    Song of the Month: “Time To be Awesome” Zoe Saldana   Everything I needed to know about church planting I learned in my Underoos. Ok, so maybe not everything, but a lot. It’s the beginning of 2018. I’m on my second month of being forty-five years old and I’m realizing that who I am, is really so…

  • Create a Missional Lifestyle With This One Step

         Lord I can’t do any more! I doubt I’m the only church planter who has ever prayed these words. But I might be the only one who said it with her pants inside out, baby throw up in her hair, while frantically searching for the Bible study she lost.   In my defense,…

  • Ministry Misconceptions

    “I’m doubting God’s love.” I looked her straight in the eyes as I said it. Someone should have warned her not to ask me how I was doing. By the look on her face, I knew she’d have been more impressed with me if I had thrown a bucket of ice, cold, jello on her…but…

  • The Beginning of Bravery

    This article was first published at: Please vist for more encouraging articles for women in Leadership.   I sat in my elven sized, silver Toyota Yaris, crying. My family was miles away on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean and I was alone with my husband of fifteen months.  But that’s not why…

  • If Church Planting is For Girls, Where are all the Women?

    This Blog post is not an apologetic for woman in Leadership, but rather is written for those who are already Biblically comfortable with Women as Leaders and who are seeking ways in which they can encourage women in Church Leadership. Where are all the Women Leaders? I’ve heard this question more than once at church…

  •  A Perspective From the Trees 

      Some people enjoying looking at the wood while avoiding the forest.  I suppose it’s the same kind of characters who still find the old adage, “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water” both humorous and wise. How the vision of a soapy baby sliding over a window ledge followed by bath water,…

  • Everything I Learned About Church Planting, I Learned from Silly Putty. ( And other 1980’s toys)

    Yes. You heard me right. Silly Putty. Remember it? If not, I’ll loan you my six year old for a bit and you’ll quickly find it in every surrounding crevice and crack..including your beard if you have one…I don’t at the moment, but my husband does… PLUS    = Fun For Kids I had actually…

  • Everything I Learned about Church Planting, I Learned Through Adoption

    Everything I Learned about Church Planting, I Learned Through Adoption

    Song of the month: U2- Invisible So this is number two in my Everything series for church planters. Which kinda shows you I have a slightly skewed view of EVERYTHING right? From time to time I’ll compare church planting to something I’ve learned in my life. And at the moment I’m having the said epiphany,…

  • Sold! To the Lady with the Big Belly!

    SOLD! To the Lady with the big belly! Song of the week: Oceans-Hillsong Doesn’t that cake look yummy? I love cake walks and auctions for delicious looking desserts. I can hear the gavel now…Sold! To the lady with the big belly…Fortunately so far, no auctioneer has actually said that to me. But if one did,…