Category: Scribbles on Ministry

  • Everything I Learned about Church Planting, I Learned Through Adoption

    Everything I Learned about Church Planting, I Learned Through Adoption

    Song of the month: U2- Invisible So this is number two in my Everything series for church planters. Which kinda shows you I have a slightly skewed view of EVERYTHING right? From time to time I’ll compare church planting to something I’ve learned in my life. And at the moment I’m having the said epiphany,…

  • Sold! To the Lady with the Big Belly!

    SOLD! To the Lady with the big belly! Song of the week: Oceans-Hillsong Doesn’t that cake look yummy? I love cake walks and auctions for delicious looking desserts. I can hear the gavel now…Sold! To the lady with the big belly…Fortunately so far, no auctioneer has actually said that to me. But if one did,…

  • Everything I needed to know about church planting, I learned in Underoos.

    Everything I needed to know about church planting, I learned in Underoos.

    Song of the Month: “Let it go” Frozen soundtrack Ok so maybe not EVERYTHING…but a lot. It’s the beginning of 2014, I’m on my second day of being forty-one years old and I’m realizing that who I am is really so connected to who I was as a silly little eight year old running around…

  • What We Fight For

    Little Fighter Song of the month- Miracle: Foo fighters It’s been almost two months since we brought our little miracle home from the hospital. Our Eden Hope, born at 1lb 2oz is now a whopping 9 1/2 pounds of poopin, spitin-upin, late night a cryin, baby fun….and we volunteered for this, even paid to do…

  • You know you’re NOT a church planter if…

    Song of the week: If We are the Body: By Casting Crowns From time to time I come across starry eyed young men and woman who are sure they are called to church plant. I love it. I love to see the enthusiasm and excitement for the lost of this generation. The burden they feel…

  • One Bright Balloon

    This blog is written for Ashley O’Brian, one cool church planting chick who has been laboring with us in Long Beach. Her heart for the poor and those at risk in this world is always inspiring. Now she is headed to Africa where she will love on the orphan, widow, and those in prison. You…

  • We Go Together Like…

    “We go together like Ramma lamma lamma Ka dinga da dinga dong.” We go together like…Mac n cheese, or as Forest says, “We goez together like peas en carawts Jenny.” Church unity, friendships, love, such a blessing when we have it isn’t it? #birds chirping, flowers blooming# I cautiously say “have it” as though unity…


          So here we are. Year two of our church plant. The excitement of the first year with all the cute little “firsts”(like new believers) and the not so cute little “firsts” (like first demoniacs) is over and we are now heading into life as we know it. A bouncing, budding, baby church.…


    A Plate full of blackened Veggies Song of the month for me: Worn by Tenth Avenue West: Struggle I tell my girl every evening when her dancing fingers are doing their veggie vanishing act around her cooked veggies, “Baby, just try em. You just ate some while we were cooking em.” But no. In her…


    Which is it? Our proposed church plant? Hospital or Yacht Club? What is our objective at the end of one year? Is it that we would have enough money to pay a Pastor full time? Maybe two Pastors and a worship leader?  Open a coffee shop? Buy great crafts for the Sunday school? I had…