Category: Uncategorized

  • No More Traffic!

    Every Thunderstorm starts with a single raindrop. Together we can storm out this evil. No more child trafficking. Stand up and scream.

  • My Journey into A Missional Life

    There can be no mission outside of us, if there is no mission happening within us. 

  • Talks On The Way To School-Mama, You Made Me a Christian

    “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”  1John 1:4   Here we go again. My kids floor me with their thoughts on faith, race, contradictions in humanity, and today…Marshmallows. Don’t get me started on the argument about batman and Jesus both needing to wear underpants. In…

  •  A Perspective From the Trees 

      Some people enjoying looking at the wood while avoiding the forest.  I suppose it’s the same kind of characters who still find the old adage, “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water” both humorous and wise. How the vision of a soapy baby sliding over a window ledge followed by bath water,…

  • Hey, Who Turned Out the Lights?

    Hey, Who Turned Out the Lights?

    Song of the month: You Do All Things Well by: Tenth Avenue North “Blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.” (Matt13:16) Sometimes I think that this life is one giant parable, teaching us about God’s reality. An over excited driver ran me and my children off the road just…