Tag: church planting

  • Everything I Needed To Know About Church Planting, I Learned In Underoos.

    Song of the Month: “Time To be Awesome” Zoe Saldana   Everything I needed to know about church planting I learned in my Underoos. Ok, so maybe not everything, but a lot. It’s the beginning of 2018. I’m on my second month of being forty-five years old and I’m realizing that who I am, is really so…

  • Sold! To the Lady with the Big Belly!

    SOLD! To the Lady with the big belly! Song of the week: Oceans-Hillsong Doesn’t that cake look yummy? I love cake walks and auctions for delicious looking desserts. I can hear the gavel now…Sold! To the lady with the big belly…Fortunately so far, no auctioneer has actually said that to me. But if one did,…

  • Time to Quit?

    Time to Quit?

    Song of the month: Gone,Gone,Gone -by Philip Phillips So when is it time to quit anyway? Here we are again. In the ER room with my Beautiful Micro Premie Eden Hope. “Eden,” I repeat to the nurse who keeps saying the wrong name, “as in The Garden of…” She’s my perfect little flower.  It’s times…

  • You know you’re NOT a church planter if…

    Song of the week: If We are the Body: By Casting Crowns From time to time I come across starry eyed young men and woman who are sure they are called to church plant. I love it. I love to see the enthusiasm and excitement for the lost of this generation. The burden they feel…