Tag: kids

  • Ode to The Slime

    It all started for a mere 99 cents A simple reward for a poopin event you ran to the potty I ran to the store for slime in a bottle who could want anything more?   It was small. It was purple. It did not stink. So why is it bubbling, out of my sink?…

  • Talks On The Way To School-Mama, You Made Me a Christian

    “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”  1John 1:4   Here we go again. My kids floor me with their thoughts on faith, race, contradictions in humanity, and today…Marshmallows. Don’t get me started on the argument about batman and Jesus both needing to wear underpants. In…

  • Time to Quit?

    Time to Quit?

    Song of the month: Gone,Gone,Gone -by Philip Phillips So when is it time to quit anyway? Here we are again. In the ER room with my Beautiful Micro Premie Eden Hope. “Eden,” I repeat to the nurse who keeps saying the wrong name, “as in The Garden of…” She’s my perfect little flower.  It’s times…